Fox News: Kentucky clerk still won’t issue same-sex marriage licenses

Kim-Davis-x400_0This is going to be important to watch – Kentucky clerk still won’t issue same-sex marriage licenses – Fox News.

There is a lot of controversy over the how in the Supreme Court decision.  Couple this with the fact that while the court may have power to render a decision, they lack power to enforce.  It’s even possible, considering the demographic, that the Sheriff refuses to enforce a court order for her arrest.  He would have that authority if he felt the order unconstitutional.

If she is arrested, she’s still entitled to trial, nor will that remove her from office.  That will still require impeachment.  Getting a believable jury conviction is going to be a longshot at best.  Push it and it starts a domino effect that will end up in a Constitutional crisis forcing Congress to restrict the judiciary.  The gay community does not win there.  They’ve created their own lose-lose.  She can’t be allowed to get away with this, and if she’s won’t leave on her own, they have no choice but to take her down.  Yet if they push, the house of cards will collapse with ramifications that will go far beyond just the gay movement.

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