Tag Archives: Constitution

As country veers left on social issues, are media leading or following? | #tcot

Source: As country veers left on social issues, are media leading or following? | Fox News. Kurtz is right, I believe in some respects, however, I think it is far from over.  Progressive multi-generational strategy of dumbing down the children … Continue reading

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Mike Huckabee finds the Supreme Court to be not all that supreme « Hot Air

“For God’s sake, it isn’t the Supreme Being. It is the Supreme Court.” Source: Mike Huckabee finds the Supreme Court to be not all that supreme « Hot Air I am not a Mike Huckabee fan at all.  He’s a … Continue reading

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ATF shelves bullet ban proposal | TheHill

This is just breaking.  The ATF is backing off on their attempt to ban M855.  Here is the story reported from The Hill:   ATF shelves bullet ban proposal | TheHill. While this is a very good thing, there are a … Continue reading

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Obama “Very Interested” In Raising Taxes Through Executive Action

So, lets sum it up… 1. Re-write immigration law by Executive Order. 2. Take over the internet by Executive action of the FCC, undermining the 1st Amendment. 3. Ban the most common ammo for the most common rifle in the … Continue reading

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Do the math…

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. (If you want to pay a huge rate out of your own pocket in addition to the expensive no-benefits premium so 20-somethings can have their free birth control.) If you … Continue reading

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Obama: ‘Consequences’ for ICE Officials Who Don’t Follow Executive Amnesty | #TCOT

So now, Obama is not only going to ignore Congress, he is escalating to ignoring the courts: Obama: ‘Consequences’ for ICE Officials Who Don’t Follow Executive Amnesty | The Weekly Standard. Unless he wins an appeal on the injunction and/or … Continue reading

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L. Gordon Crovitz: From Internet to Obamanet – WSJ #tcot

L. Gordon Crovitz: From Internet to Obamanet – WSJ. What you have to keep in mind here is that he mentions both critical impact areas of what he calls “Obamanet” (I like that phrase…)  The most important thing to take away … Continue reading

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“Tolerant Liberal” Lists 28 Reasons to Hate Conservatives – #tcot

“Tolerant Liberal” Lists 28 Reasons to Hate Conservatives – Michael Schaus – Townhall Finance. This should be required reading for any conservative who engages progressives even on an occasional basis.  You should read it as much for Ms Willis’ thoughts … Continue reading

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The Second Amendment: Liberal Edition

Kudos to Steven Crowder!  This is just a totally awesome video.  I nearly sprayed my coffee.  Give this guy a “Like” and subscribe.  He’s got some fun stuff!

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10 states line up to limit federal power

10 states line up to limit federal power – WND. I have been very slow in coming onto the idea of an Article V convention.  However, as time has gone by, I’ve swung from vehemently opposed to moderately enthusiastic.

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